Nets On the Air


The RI Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) holds nets Tuesdays at 7:30 pm (1930) local time operating as W1RIA.

On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month a VHF Repeater Net is held on the NB1RI Repeater network, and is sometimes linked with the Quahog Repeater Network.

On the 2nd Tuesday of the month a VHF Simplex net is held on 147.420 MHz to test coverage and practice using relays.

On the 4th Tuesday of the month a digital net is held. An announcement of the exercise will be made by email prior to the net.

These nets are open to all licensed operators, not just ARES participants.

For more information about RI ARES including details about these nets, visit our website at 

We are always looking for new net control operators. If interested please contact the net manager Jim N1ZJI at

Rhode Island SKYWARN Practice and Training Net

Held every Wednesday evening on the NB1RI repeater network at 7:30 PM. Martin N1JMA is the Net Manager.

Fidelity Amateur Radio Club Nets

These nets are open to all amateurs.

Sunday at 8:00 pm local time, now on the NB1RI Repeater Network. Nick KC1DWH is the net manager and the net operates as K1NQG.

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm on 7.258 MHz LSB. Carl W1CGM is the net control


These nets are open to all amateurs.

A NCRC 2m VHF net convenes every weekday evening (Monday – Friday) at 7:00 PM local time and on Sunday Morning at 0815 on the W1SYE Repeater, 145.450 PL tone 100 Hz.

An open D-STAR net linked to Reflector 69C convenes every Tuesday evening at 2000 (8 PM) on the D*Star repeater, W1AAD, 145.300

A 75-meter HF net is held every Wednesday at 1930 (7:30 PM) on 3.900 MHz

Please contact:


The Providence Emergency Management Agency

More information about the club can be found by searching KK1PMA on 

Anyone interested in joining the group can contact Joe K1CR  401-632-3578

Traffic Nets

Mass Rhode Island Phone Net

MARPIN operates for or the purpose of passing formal NTS messages, serving the sections of Eastern and Western Massachusetts and Rhode Island. All stations are welcome to join the net and are encouraged to check in whether you have traffic or not.

Monday through Saturday at 5:00 pm on 3.978 MHz

Mass Rhode Island CW Net

We welcome anyone interested in CW NTS traffic handling. MARICW operates at 13 to 15 words per minute, but the Net Control Station will slow down upon request.

Daily at 7:00pm on 3565 kHz

Mass Rhode Island Digital Net

MARIDN meets weekly for the purpose of passing NTS messages within, into, and out of the sections of Eastern and Western MA and RI. The net uses digital modes in the fldigi software.

The net runs on Tuesdays at 6pm at 3.583 MHz USB using THOR22; center-point 1500 Hz, with RsID

Bristol Country Repeater Association (BCRA)

This net is open to all amateurs.

Sunday evening at 8;30 pm (est) on the 145.150 PL 123.0 repeater.  Allstar Node – 539270
For more information about BCRA visit our website at

BVARC Net Blackstone Valley ARC

Every Wednesday Evening at 7:00 PM, Simplex Freq. of 146.565

Westerly Amateur Radio Team Net

The Westerly Amateur Radio Team Net meets every Thursday evening at 1900 (7:00 PM) on the team’s W1WRI Repeater, 147.315 + 110.9, located in Westerly, except for the 4th week of the month. On the 4th week of the month we have our in-person meeting at 1800 (6:00 PM) in the EOC at the Westerly Police Station, 60 Airport Rd. Westerly, RI. All hams are welcome to check into the nets and attend the meetings.

KB1MAO Jim is the net manager.


The New England Digital Emergency Communications Network holds several weekly DMR nets.

For more information about DMR in our area visit


Have questions pertaining to amateur radio or need advice on a radio project?  Or maybe you’d like to share your knowledge with others.  All are welcome on the Southeastern Connecticut Amateur Radio Society Club’s Tips Net, Wednesday evenings at 7 PM on the W1DX repeater in Salem, CT.  The repeater is on 147.060 MHz and the input frequency is 600 kc up.  The PL tone is 156.7.  All are welcome and new hams are encouraged to check in.  For more info visit, or email

Thanks, and 73,


Cell/Text: 860-460-7360

“Train as you expect to work because you will work as you have trained.”

New England Weather Net

The New England Weather Net was started fifty+ years ago and is still meeting on 3.906 MHz at 5:30am. This is not a club program or activity. Anyone in Rhode Island could help this old and venerable New England institution in its mission. Report online at

HF Late Night Net

on 3816 Mhz from 10 pm till midnight.

Nuts Bolts and Screws Net

on 40 meters freq. 7185 Mhz LSB Monday thru Fridays from 2-4pm local time.

CW Net

3.549 MHz CW Net Monday Evenings at 9:00 PM

Dust off your straight key, paddles, keyer , etc. and join us for some
CW practice.

Informal net to help folks learn code or for an old salt to get their
fist back…

Please pass this message on to anyone that might be interested in
pounding some brass.

Yankee Six Meter SSB Net (New England)

Every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM, on 50.272 Mhz. usb.  NCS :  John KB1VXY, QTH is Hopkinton, MA”
Thanks from John, KB1VXY

Near 900 MHz New England

Thursdays are designated as “900 MHz Thursdays”! Join us on the NEAR-900 New England 900 MHz repeater network for the Thursday 900 at 9 net! Early check-ins start at 8PM. You can check in from any network connected repeater or IRLP: New England Reflector 912 Channel 5 (9125), Echolink node 249961  or allstarlink node 60635.  For more information visit


Feel free to reach out with any questions.


Monday through Friday, 8am to 9am EST on 145.150 repeater, PL 123.0
Hosted by Net Controller, Tom, K1NDU