Welcome to the RI Swap and Sell Net, a place where RI Amateur Radio Operators can Swap and Sell items!
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Hello all my Swap & Sell listeners. The link is back up and all repeaters are up and running We will be back on the complete NB1RI repeater network Hope to hear you check in on Saturday at 9:00am
Any amateur related item can be used for listings on the net.
All check-ins are welcome with or without traffic!!!
Items will be listed for a period of four weeks unless seller contacts net control to renew their listing. Prices must be listed in order to have items posted to site. To add a listing either check into the actual net or email riswapnet@gmail.com
Steve AA1PQ

About the NB1RI Network
This repeater network was built by Steve Hodell KA1RCI, who has since passed. It is owned by his wife Sandy KA1RXB. The network is maintained by the trustee Adam KC1KCC, the Control Operator Jeremy K1JST, and a team of volunteers with support from the RI Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Foundation. For more information about the network visit nb1ri.net
If you would like to show your support and help keep it on the air you can donate to the RI AREC Foundation. Donations are tax deductible and support amateur communications networks like this one that are useful for emergency and auxiliary communications when needed, and benefit RI amateurs at other times. Visit riarec.org for more information on how to donate.