Local Club Meetings

Local Club Meetings

Bristol County Repeater Association a.k.a The Fall River Amateur Radio Club



Starting in March the Bristol County Repeater associations meeting and VE sessions location will be changing.  

BCRA Business Meetings 

1st Monday of the Month (7PM) (unless major holiday then 2nd Monday)

Stop and Shop Community Room

815 Grand Army Hwy, Somerset, MA 02725

Enter left door stairs/elevator to the right

Contact N1KJS – Kevin kjspratt@gmail.com for more information

Connecticut Rhode Contesting Group CTRI

If you have any questions or want more information contact Charlie K1ECU K1ecu@arrl.net or visit our web site at www.ctri.club

Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England


The Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England are one the very few groups in the area to own a club house which features a full HF operating station. This group sponsors the 147.330 repeater and has been active since 1926. We would love to see new faces on Friday evening’s at 7:30pm for our general gathering’s. The official meeting are always the 2nd Friday of the month. Visit their Facebook page at ⁦⁦https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=w1aq-associated%20radio%20amateurs%20of%20southern%20new%20england⁩⁩

Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club


BVARC’s monthly event called The Consortium has started its 17th season starting on September 9, 2024. The program is conducted at 7:00 PM on the first Monday of the month principally by Jim, K1GND, and Bob, W1YRC. Meetings are held at the Manville Sportsman’s Club in Lincoln. All from unlicensed to Extra holders are welcome with no admission or other requirements for attendance. The program covers basic radio and electronics. Our usual attendance is about 40 folks. You are welcome.

Meetings are held the last Monday of every month at the Our Savior’s Parish 500 Smithfield Rd, Route 146A in Woonsocket, RI.  Visit their website at www.w1ddd.org for more information  Contact : Bob Jones, WB1P  E Mail: wb1p@arrl.net  Tel: 401-333-4787

The Newport County Radio Club


Go to our website for next meeting information www.w1sye.org

The Fidelity Amateur Radio Club


They meet at Fidelity ARC Clubhouse 263 Washington St. West Warwick, RI on the First and Third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm. And have zoom meetings when  they don’t meet in person.  Contact Sal WN1B for zoom meeting information.

Contact:  Sal WN1B



The Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association, Inc. (SEMARA) is an ARRL affiliated club that was founded in 1932 by the late Alan Cooper, W1HSR as the New Bedford Shortwave Radio Club (NBSWC).  The association owns three acres of land at 54 Donald Street in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, which was acquired in 1955.  Business meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.  Coffee and donuts are served at an informal “ragchew” each Sunday from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.  VE exam sessions are held on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM.

Web site www.semara.org

Mike Ponte, W1BZJ

Website chairman


The Westerly Amateur Radio Team meets on the 4th week of the month at 1800 (6:00 PM) in the EOC at the Westerly Police Station, 60 Airport Rd. Westerly, RI. All hams are welcome to check into the nets and attend the meetings.

KB1MAO Jim is the President, divingdog@verizon.net